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Terrance Aeriel - Site Memorial Online

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Terrance Aeriel
Nascido emNew Jersey
18 years
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História de vida
Dezembro 8, 1988
Born in New Jersey Newark, New Jersey on December 8, 1988.
Agosto 4, 2007
On August 4, 2007 in Newark, New Jersey the victims were ordered to kneel in front of a wall behind an elementary school and shot in the back of the head in an apparent robbery. A fourth victim — Aeriel's 19-year-old sister, Natasha — was shot in the head but survived. Iofemi Hightower was also cut in the face with a machete.
Agosto 11, 2007
It was a day of mourning for family and friends of 20-year-old Dashon Harvey, 18-year-old Terrance Aeriel and 20-year-old Iofemi Hightower.

In one day the friends of the three young victims went from one service to another, and then to yet another.

“It’s just too much,” said one mourner. “It’s heartbreaking.”

Horses helped take Harvey’s body to his final resting place. Because the outgoing and dapper Delaware state university student loved yellow - that was the color that dominated.

‘I brought 12 roses as a remembrance of him,” said Harvey’s cousin Antoine Barber. “It also represents a shining star that we lost.”

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and Newark Mayor Cory Booker attended all three funerals. Booker spoke at the Harvey’s service, and remarked how fitting it was that Harvey was a high school and college drum major.

“Let his spirit now be our drum major,” said Booker. “Let him lead this city to a brighter day. Enough is enough!"

At Terrance ‘TJ’ Aerial’s funeral, he was remembered for his many talents – writing, acting, music and for being an ordained minister since age 15.

“Now he's lying in a casket,” said Aerial’s high school teacher Shirlynn Shirlan. “That's unexplainable and it's unacceptable.”

Iofemi Hightower received her acceptance letter from Delaware State University just days before she was murdered.

“She wanted to be something,” said her uncle Rev. John McClain. I adored her for that.”

At each funeral a message was passionately delivered - that the best way to honor the memories of the three young people and keep their spirits alive is to keep fighting crime in Newark.

“It's got to get bad before it gets good a lot of times,” said Samuel Nash of the street warriors. “We are going to turn this thing around.”

Police, politicians and residents vow to take back the streets for Harvey, Aerial, and Hightower, and their wounded friend Natasha Aerial.

Natasha Aerial is the miracle survivor of the execution style killings and being proclaimed a hero. From her hospital bed she has helped police track down suspect after suspect, and her presence was felt at the funerals even though she could not show up in person.

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